Hanergy Global

Hanergy Global
Road Anli,Chaoyang District,Beijing
Beijing Shi 100101


Hanergy Global’s profile:Founded in 1989, Hanergy Group is a multinational clean energy company and a world leader in thin-film solar power. The company is headquartered in Beijing, with branches in provinces all over China, as well as in 32 countries across the Americas,  Europe, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and other regions. As a strategic group business layout, Hanergy Global focus on flexible solar module products series with the best technology and best products, provides the light or special structure roof with flex module systems solution at the international market.The energy revolution has truly begun and Hanergy Global aims to seize the opportunity presented by global energy transformation and low-carbon development, by focusing on the thin-film solar industry chain and continuing to promote the industrialization and marketization of thin-film solar technology.

Company profile type: 
Company size: 
1000+ employees
Engineering, Renewables
Wanted occupational fields: 
Renewable Energy
Wanted field of studies: 
Electrical Engineering / Electronics


Company Locations

Address information

Road Anli,Chaoyang District,Beijing
Beijing Shi 100101