Field Supervisor
Job DescriptionJob Description
6:00 AM TO 2:30 PM
Field Supervisor
The Field Supervisor has day-to-day responsibility for coordinating our contracted day porter, sweeping, and steam-cleaning services for all properties assigned to them. From time-to-time, they will also supervise special projects and services outside the scope of our regular service contracts. All Field Supervisors report to one or more Account Managers, and are directly accountable to the manager for their job performance at each of the properties assigned to them. Field Supervisors are the “front line” manager within the company as such; they are critical to the success of our company and directly impact our reputation for quality within the industry. The primary duties and responsibilities of a Field Supervisor are as follows:
Job Duties -
- Create work-flow procedures and checklists that are tailored to each property in accordance with the scope of work outlined by the Account Managers
- Coordinate and supervise the work and schedules for crew leaders and workers at each property; collect and review time cards
- Provide regular training to all assigned field workers for OSHA safety regulations and correct handling of all cleaning materials
- Keep all MSDS and safety training documentation up to date in conjunction with the UM Safety Administrator
- Directly supervise and assist work crews as needed with daily duties as well as special projects
- Oversee the ordering, delivery, and inventory records of supplies at each property; provide proper documentation to the Account Managers for billing
- Maintain daily contact with all Crew Leaders and workers as necessary to direct overall service quality
- Conduct both scheduled and unscheduled inspections of property conditions and provide both positive and negative feedback to Field Leaders, report the same to the Account Managers
- Conduct regular inspections of field workers' uniforms, appearance, and compliance with company Code of Conduct
- Ensure that all tools and equipment are in good working condition; replace as necessary
- Report unusual conditions and recommended maintenance repairs/projects to Account Managers along with appropriate photo documentation
- Be available to accompany Account Manager on their walk-throughs with client Property Managers and follow through on resulting action items from those meetings
- Provide comprehensive property inspection reports to the Account Managers, and direct crew leaders and workers regarding the priorities identified by those reports
- Proactively provide suggestions and solutions to Account Managers for detailed improvements of all aspects of their properties, including suggestions for changes to service schedules.
- Responsible for assisting Field Workers with all forms associated with accidents/injuries
- conduct all responsibilities with the utmost courtesy, integrity, and professionalism
- Weekly review of assigned Field Workers' timesheets.
- Must speak, read, and write in English
- Previous experience working in the janitorial/maintenance industry is
- Ability to communicate effectively with management
- Valid driver's license
- Must be bilingual – English / Spanish
- Be accountable and detail-oriented
- Be able to work under pressure and under strict deadlines
- Great customer service
- Highly motivated
- Paid Vacation
- Paid Holidays
- Paid Sick Leave
- Health Benefits
- Referral Program
- Company Vehicle provided
Vehículo de empresa proporcionado
Descripción Del Puesto: Supervisor
El Supervisor tiene la responsabilidad diaria de coordinar nuestros empleados, barrer, y servicios de limpieza de vapor para todas las propiedades que se les asignaron. De vez en cuando, también supervisarán proyectos especiales y servicios fuera del alcance de nuestros contratos de servicio regular. Todos los supervisores reportaran a uno o más Gerentes de Cuentas directamente a los administradores por su desempeño en el trabajo en cada una de las propiedades que se les asignadas. Supervisores son los responsables dentro de Universal Maintenance, como tal, son esencial para el éxito de nuestra empresa y un impacto directo en nuestra reputación por la calidad dentro de la industria. Las principales obligaciones y responsabilidades de un Supervisor son las siguientes:
Deberes Laborales -
- Crear procedimientos de flujo de trabajo y listas de verificación que se adaptan por cada propiedad de acuerdo con el alcance del trabajo esbozado por los Gerentes de Cuenta, coordinar y supervisar el trabajo y horarios para los líderes del equipo y los trabajadores de cada establecimiento; recoger y revisar tarjetas de tiempo
- Proporcionar capacitación a todos los líderes del equipo y los trabajadores para el uso de equipo adecuado regularmente y métodos de limpieza
- Proporcionar entrenamiento regularmente a todos los trabajadores para las normas de seguridad OSHA y correcto manejo de todos los materiales de limpieza
- Mantener todas las MSDS y documentación de seguridad actualizada en conjunto con el administrador de seguridad de Universal Maintenance
- Directamente supervisar y ayudar a los equipos de trabajo con tareas diarias, así como proyectos especiales
- Supervisar el pedido, entrega y registros de inventario de trabajadore de cada establecimiento; proporcionar la documentación adecuada a los Gerentes de Cuenta para la facturación
- Mantener contacto diario con todos los líderes del equipo y los trabajadores como sea necesario para guíar la calidad del servicio
- Realizar inspecciones programadas y no programadas de las condiciones de la propiedad y proporcionar comentarios positivo y negativo a los líderes de equipo y los trabajadores; informar a los Gerentes de Cuenta
- Realizar inspecciones periódicas de uniformes de los trabajadores , aspecto y cumplimiento con el código de conducta de Universal Maintenance
- Asegurar que todas las herramientas y equipo de trabajo esten buenas condiciones; reemplace según sea necesario
- Reportar condiciones inusuales y reparaciones y proyectos de mantenimiento recomendado para Gerente de Cuentas junto con la documentación (foto) apropiada
- Estar disponibles para acompañar a Gerente de Cuentas en sus inspecciones con los administradores de propiedades y seguir las instrucciones y el plan de acción de esas reunions
- Proporcionar informes de inspección de propiedad completa a los Gerentes de Cuenta y jefes directos de cuadrilla y trabajadores con respecto a las prioridades identificadas por los informes. Proactivamente prever soluciones y sugerencias a los Gerentes de Cuenta, recomendaciones detalladas los aspectos de sus propiedades, incluyendo sugerencias para cambios en las frecuencias y horarios de servicio
- Llevar a cabo todas las responsabilidades con la mayor cortesía, integridad y profesionalismo
- Debe hablar, leer y escribir en inglés.
- Se prefiere experiencia previa trabajando en la industria de limpieza/mantenimiento.
- Capacidad para comunicarse efectivamente con la gerencia.
- Licencia de conducir válida
- Debe ser bilingüe – inglés / español
- Sea responsable y orientado a los detalles
- Ser capaz de trabajar bajo presión y bajo plazos estrictos.
- Gran servicio al cliente
- Altamente motivado
- Vacaciones pagadas
- Dias Festivos pagados
- Licencia por enfermedad remunerada
- Beneficios para la salud
- Programa de referencia
- Vehículo de empresa proporcionado
Este es un puesto en persona de LUNES a VIERNES con un horario estricto de 6:00 AM a 2:30 PM
Company DescriptionOur business began in Silicon Valley in the early 1980s with just a steam cleaner and a vision. Impressed by our meticulous attention to details and quick response time, customers began requesting additional services. Since then our family owned business has experienced steady growth, officially keeping the Northern California area clean since 1986 and expanding to Southern California in 2008. We continue to grow by exceeding our customers expectations and by striving to keep the cost of our services low without compromising efficiency or quality.
Our Mission is to treat each property we maintain as if we were the owners by performing our services to the highest standards. Each property manager receives full attention and is provided with a personal, qualified account manager as a direct contact to handle all property services and immediate communication in the case of trouble shooting potential problems. We stand behind our services and strive to be the most dependable resource for our customers.
We ensure the reliability of our employees by implementing security background checks, social security checks, driver's license checks and drug testing measures which are beyond industry standards. We provide our employees with a safe and healthy work environment as well as the benefits of continued education and safety training.
Our goal is for the properties we service shopping centers, offices, and industrial parks to be clean and safe for the public to enjoy. We strive to relieve the property manager from the responsibilities and burden of day to day maintenance issues by exceeding their expectations with our personal, high standards.Company DescriptionOur business began in Silicon Valley in the early 1980s with just a steam cleaner and a vision. Impressed by our meticulous attention to details and quick response time, customers began requesting additional services. Since then our family owned business has experienced steady growth, officially keeping the Northern California area clean since 1986 and expanding to Southern California in 2008. We continue to grow by exceeding our customers expectations and by striving to keep the cost of our services low without compromising efficiency or quality.\r\n\r\nOur Mission is to treat each property we maintain as if we were the owners by performing our services to the highest standards. Each property manager receives full attention and is provided with a personal, qualified account manager as a direct contact to handle all property services and immediate communication in the case of trouble shooting potential problems. We stand behind our services and strive to be the most dependable resource for our customers.\r\n\r\nWe ensure the reliability of our employees by implementing security background checks, social security checks, driver's license checks and drug testing measures which are beyond industry standards. We provide our employees with a safe and healthy work environment as well as the benefits of continued education and safety training.\r\n\r\nOur goal is for the properties we service shopping centers, offices, and industrial parks to be clean and safe for the public to enjoy. We strive to relieve the property manager from the responsibilities and burden of day to day maintenance issues by exceeding their expectations with our personal, high standards.