Staffing and recruitment agency Kipinä Oy was established in . Throughout the years of operations our focus has been on providing foreign workforce in Finland. Kipinä has own recruitment entities in Romania, Kipina HRM RO srl, and in Bulgaria, Kipina BG OOD, as well as local recruitment and employment agency in Poland, Ilves Sp. z o. In addition, Kipinä has long term partners, among others in Slovakia and in India. We are also a member of Finnish Private Employment Agencies Association (HELA), which ensures we are a trusted partner for employers and employees.We are looking for CNC machinists working on Press Brake machines, for ex.: Amada and Finn Power multiple clients from allover Finland.Requirements include ability to do independent programming, tool selection and settings programming. Materials to work with: iron, cooper- accommodation in company apartment (own room – rent from €/month)- long term and flexible employment contracts, bank hours, shift work- wage rates 16€/h + supplements, holiday entitlements according to Finnish law- help with registration and official matters by English, Finnish, Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian speaking coordinators