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Health and Safety Administrator

Roles and responsibilities

An Advisor –Safety, Health & Environment (SHE), alsoreferred to as an SHE Advisor,EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety)Advisor, or HSEAdvisor, is a professional responsible for ensuringthat an organization adheres to health, safety, and environmentalregulations and best practices. This role is critical inmaintaining a safe and healthy work environment, reducing risks,ensuring compliance with legal standards, and promotingsustainability. SHE Advisors are often employed in high-riskindustries such as construction, manufacturing, energy, and oil& gas.

Key Skills andResponsibilities of a SHEAdvisor:

1. Health,Safety, and EnvironmentalManagement

  • RiskAssessment: Conducting regular risk assessments andhazard analyses to identify potential health, safety, andenvironmental risks in the workplace. This includes evaluating workprocesses, equipment, and materials for potentialdangers.
  • Safety Policies andProcedures: Developing, implementing, and reviewingsafety, health, and environmental policies and procedures in linewith legal requirements and industry best practices. This ensuresall employees are aware of the safety standards and guidelines tofollow.
  • Accident/IncidentInvestigation: Investigating workplace accidents andincidents to determine their causes, recommend corrective actions,and prevent recurrence. This may involve conducting root-causeanalysis and creatingreports.
  • EmergencyPreparedness: Developing and implementing emergencyresponse plans, including procedures for fire, chemical spills,medical emergencies, and natural disasters. Training staff inemergency protocols is also a keyresponsibility.

2.Regulatory Compliance and LegalKnowledge

  • Compliancewith Local and International Regulations: Ensuringthat the organization complies with all relevant local, regional,and international regulations related to health, safety, andenvironmental protection (e.g., OSHA regulations, ISO standards,EPA regulations).
  • MaintainingDocumentation: Keeping up-to-date records ofcompliance documentation, safety audits, inspections, and trainingsessions to demonstrate adherence to regulations during inspectionsor audits.
  • PermitManagement: Overseeing permits required for specificactivities (e.g., working with hazardous materials, environmentalpermits) to ensure that all necessary permissions are obtained andrenewed as needed.

3.Training and AwarenessPrograms

  • EmployeeTraining: Designing and delivering training programson safety procedures, health protocols, environmental policies, andemergency response procedures. This can include both onboardingtraining and refresher courses for existingstaff.
  • ToolboxTalks: Leading daily or weekly "toolboxtalks" or safety meetings to keep employees informed aboutspecific risks related to ongoing tasks or new safetyprocedures.
  • Behavioral SafetyPrograms: Implementing programs to foster a cultureof safety, where employees are encouraged to recognize hazards andreport unsafepractices.


  • WasteManagement: Ensuring that waste managementpractices, including recycling, disposal of hazardous materials,and waste reduction strategies, comply with environmentalregulations.
  • SustainabilityInitiatives: Promoting sustainable practices in theworkplace, including energy conservation, water usage reduction,and implementing green technologies ormaterials.
  • Environmental ImpactAssessments: Conducting or reviewing assessments tomeasure the environmental impact of company operations,particularly when establishing new projects orprocesses.
  • PollutionPrevention: Identifying potential sources ofpollution (air, water, soil) and implementing measures to minimizeenvironmental harm.

5.Safety Audits andInspections

  • WorkplaceInspections: Conducting regular inspections of theworkplace, construction sites, or manufacturing facilities toensure compliance with safety, health, and environmental standards.These inspections help identify potential hazards and ensurecorrective measures aretaken.
  • SafetyAudits: Conducting internal audits of safetypractices, equipment, and systems to ensure they are functioning asintended and are compliant with relevant safety standards. Thisincludes reviewing incident records, training records, andmaintenance logs.
  • Site SafetyWalks: Conducting regular site safety walks toobserve daily operations and ensure that employees are followingsafety guidelines, using protective equipment, and working in asafe manner.

Desired candidate profile

  • Under direct supervision, performs basic androutine duties in a wide range of environmental, health and safetydisciplines to achieve compliance with the ES&H standardsalong with federal and state regulatoryrequirements.
  • Assists in the development,implementation and maintenance of safety and health programs,systems and procedures.
  • Assists in monitoringhazards and diseases that could be present in the workarea.
  • Works with others to investigateaccidents, injuries and complaints concerning hazards in theworkplace.
  • Participates in recommendingimprovement in processes, design, procedures and equipment tominimize hazards.
  • Participates in employeetraining, emergency preparedness and assures the quality ofprograms.


MinimumRequirement: 10 Years experience & AldarApproval

Qualification: Relevant degree ordiploma

Health and Safety Administrator

Pittsburgh, PA
Full time

Published on 02/25/2025

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