Network Engineering - Microwave
Job DescriptionJob Description
Title: Network Engineering - Microwave
Duration: 7 Months
Location: Portland, OR
- Provide support to Comms and Control technicians during telemetry site troubleshooting activities.
- Provide support to Gas Management team (OT application owners) during telemetry site or system wide troubleshooting activities.
- Provide support to Networking team during backhaul troubleshooting activities.
- Review issue logs on DC power plants at various hilltops when requested by field personnel.
- Perform CR and SR activities as assigned or required by IT&S Change Management policies.
4RF Aprisa SR+
- Provide remote support to field team during telemetry site commissioning or maintenance work.
- Program and configure 4RF Aprisa SR+ radios for new and existing telemetry sites.
- Review performance data of remotes and base stations when Gas Control issues a trouble ticket.
- Downgrade/upgrade equipment to approved NWN firmware version (currently 1.9.6) prior to deployment.
- Provide recommended antenna and cable configuration. Provide solution when a new site's receive signal is sub-optimal.
- File Return Equipment Agreement with 4RF.
Microwave Radios
- Equipment: Trango Giga Orion, Trango Giga Lync, Trango Giga and Giga Plus; NEC VR10 and NEC 1250 chassis.
- Review performance data of remote and base stations when NMS indicates a link issue.
- Provide remote support to field team when a microwave link is in error.
- File Return Equipment Agreement with Aviat/NEC support.
- Open support tickets with Aviat/NEC when equipment errors are non-repairable.
- Download equipment files as required for support tickets.
Voice Radio Support
- Equipment: Telex IP-224 gateways, Tait TB9300, TM9300, TP89300.
- Severs/Applications: Telex System Manger, Tait EnableFleet, Tait Core Nodes.
- Provide remote support to field team during commissioning of new radio sites.
- Provide assistance to WAVE Console users, typically this involves end-user support.
- Review system status of voice radio WAVE dispatch server and application.
- Provide support for new Tait equipment to field techs, end-users, and contract team during deployment. This includes programming and troubleshooting both mobile, portable, and hilltop radios.