Post-Doctoral Associate in the Division of Engineering
Description The Sustainable and Innovative Transport Demand (SIT-D) Laboratory in the Division of Engineering, New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to recruit three Post-Doctoral Associates to work on a large project on the use of Immersive Virtual Reality to study users’ preferences for innovative transport systems.The successful applicants will drive fascinating sub-projects on the following areas:1. Setting the immersive virtual reality experiment, building the choice experiment, managing and running the field experiment, analyzing the data and estimating users’ preferences for Automated Taxis. Successful applicants must have a PhD in a field related to survey methods techniques and transport demand modelling and demonstrated experience with state choice experiments, discrete choice models, virtual reality, and data collection. 2. Building the immersive virtual reality environment for Abu Dhabi, including the movement of vehicles and the interaction of avatars, collaborating to the field experiment, analyzing the data on dynamics in individual behaviors. Successful applicants must have a PhD in computer science, digital technology, mathematics, or related fields with demonstrated experience in developing XR simulations using the Unity platform or Unreal Engine, use of 3D model building tools, such as Autodesk Rivot or BIM tools and hardware experience in setting up XR headsets and custom play-areas. 3. Forecasting the potential demand for innovative transport systems, integrating substitution and diffusion models, incorporating dynamic preferences and social conformity. The project involves estimation of substitution models using large dataset, successful applicants must then have a PhD and demonstrated experience in discrete choice models, machine learning techniques, big data, and optimization.