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Principal HSE Engineer

Roles and responsibilities

The Principal HSE Engineer isresponsible for interpreting internal or external business issuesand recommending best practices. They will be tasked with solvingcomplex HSE Engineering-related problems and will workindependently with minimal guidance. The Principal HSE Engineer maybe responsible for leading functional teams or projects and isregarded as a specialist in the field of HSE Engineering. As such,they must have in-depth expertise in HSE Engineering as well asbroad knowledge of the HSE Engineering discipline within theEngineeringfunction.


KeyTasks and Responsibilities:

  • Perform conceptual, FEED, anddetailed analyses and design as per design basis, projectspecifications, design codes, andstandards
  • Apply in-depth skills and broadknowledge of the business to address complex problems andnonstandard situations
  • Prepare clear andaccurate detailed design calculations and analyses including designreports and - procedures
  • Manage own time tomeet objectives and (as Lead Engineer) forecast and plan resourcerequirements
  • Communicate and explain difficultconcepts and persuade others to adopt a point ofview
  • When acting as Lead Engineer, inaddition:
    • Direct medium or large Engineeringteam as a Lead Engineer
    • Lead the Disciplineengineering design of the assigned work area and completed itwithin planned schedule and budget, in accordance with standards,MDR, and project-specific procedures and to a high professionalstandard
    • Plan, organize, and direct all aspectsof Discipline execution on the assigned project including scope,deliverables, schedule, and all manpower resources - agreeallocations with the Discipline Manager
    • Ensureinterfaces and deliverables are clearlyidentified
    • Maintain responsibility for progressand productivity, identifying any required correctiveaction
    • Act as project representative for theDiscipline during meetings with the Project Team, Customerdiscipline lead, and relevant agencies such as certifyingauthorities, auditors, third parties,etc.
  • Become fullyfamiliar with the project scope of work, specifications, schedule,and all inter-discipline requirements; including identifyingconcerns as early as practicable and taking appropriate initiativesto address the issues
  • Interpret contractualrequirements as they relate to engineeringexecution
  • Identify changes to scope andpromptly raise change notifications, including providing anynecessary supporting documentation andestimates
  • Provide similar support for VariationOrders
  • Interface with other departments toobtain input for Discipline designs and drawings, and to developclash-free designs
  • Prepare estimates for bidproposals, including technical query reviews, execution statements,and manhour estimates, identifying software requirements and anyother project-specific requirements
  • Prepare,review, and (as Lead Engineer) approve Discipline engineeringdesign basis, philosophies, and technicalspecifications
  • Participate in finalizingdeliverables lists and deliverables, ensuring compliance withspecifications and functional integrity
  • Providetechnical direction and review of Designers producing productsrelated to Fire Protection & SafetyEngineering
  • Review project schedule andfabrication schedule about construction sequence, milestones, andengineering scope
  • Attend project kickoff andreview meetings, vendor meetings, and engineering meetings asrequired
  • Assist procurement personnel inprocuring Discipline equipment, materials, and services; ensuringthat work produced complies with Customer objectives andprocedures
  • Procurement assistance includespreparing, reviewing, and (as Lead Engineer) approvingrequisitions, evaluating technical quotations, preparing queries,compiling bid tabulations and recommendations, preparing purchaserequisitions, and coordinating with Procurement to expedite vendordocuments, as directed by Discipline LeadEngineer

Desired candidate profile

  • Review and (as Lead Engineer) approve designverification through single-discipline check/ interdisciplinarycheck (IDC)
  • Provide technical support tofabrication queries, including identifying defect/rectificationrequirements
  • Keep the Discipline Manager andProject Management Team apprised of all activities and concerns,technical, budgetary, and manpowerrelated
  • Assist in providing inputs for actual,planning, and forecasting progress reports including associatedproductivity
  • Present issues and problems toCustomers promptly and assist the Lead Engineer in negotiatingresolution by project and companyrequirements
  • Perform (as required) TechnicalQuality Audit reviews by MDR GlobalProcedures
  • Capture lessons learned and enteredthem into MDR's Lessons Learnedsystem
  • Guide less experienced engineers onDiscipline procedures, standards, worksheets, design calculations,software, requisitions, technical bid evaluations, technicalqueries, etc.
  • Monitor costs of own workprocesses
  • Assist in the maintenance ofdepartmental technical guidelines and standard calculationnotes
  • Participate in the development andmaintenance of Global Procedures, Software, andStandards
  • Develop communication andpresentation skills (e.g., write technical papers, participate inconferences and/or seminars, present design solutions, and/orpresent topics at "lunch and learns";etc.)
  • Provide information on employeeperformance to the Discipline Manager
  • Assistthe Discipline manager in interviewing jobapplicants
  • Prepare, review, and (as LeadEngineer) approve the following:
    • Design HSE& fire protection philosophies
    • Safetystudy scope of work specifications, requisitions, TBE, and purchaserequisitions
    • Safety equipmentlists
    • Firefighting equipment specifications anddata sheets
    • Lifesaving and personnel safetyequipment specifications and data sheets
    • Safetysign specifications and data sheets
    • Firewaterdemand and hydraulic calculation reports using PIPENET orequivalent software
    • Inputs to P&IDmarkups for Firewater ring main system and Deluge system includingproviding details of interconnection with hose reels, monitors,hydrants, and deluge valves /nozzles
    • Escaperoute and safety equipment layouts
    • Safety signlayouts
  • Review and (asLead Engineer) approve third-party safety study reports that complywith project specifications
  • Participate and (asLead Engineer) coordinate safety workshops (such as HAZID/HAZOP)and provide inputs to safety studyconsultants
  • Prepare, review, and (as LeadEngineer) approve safety study close-outreports
  • Participate in 3D model reviews, asnecessary
  • When acting as Lead Engineer, inaddition:
    • Act as project-based Discipline pointof contact in communications and meetings with Customercounterparts
    • Ensure substantive communicationsare documented
    • Prepare bids and projectsDiscipline engineering budget and execution plans, updating asrequired
    • Identify project staff needs based onknowledge of individual engineer's skill sets and providerequests to the Discipline manager
    • Plan,organize, and assign tasks, responsibilities, and manhour budgetsto the discipline team, and verify tasks are completed withinbudgets
    • Plan Discipline Level 4 detaildeliverable schedule/ register compliant with the overall executionplan
    • Prepare working forecasts identifyingchange management plans, corrective action, and realtime schedule
    • Provide Discipline inputs foractual, planning, and forecasting progress reports includingassociated productivity
    • Alert the project teamof any deviation from the scope or a need for a changeorder
    • Lead the Discipline team during projectaudits (internal, Customer, and third-party technical audits)and Design Reviews
    • Review comments fromCustomers & other agencies on documents and drawingsproduced by the team, and resolve and give guidance on their updateandincorporation

Key Skills
HSE (Health, Safety,and Environment),HSE Documents,HSE Report
Employment Type : Full-time
Department / Functional Area: Health andSafety
Experience: Not Mentionedyears
Gender: Male
Vacancy: 1
Joining Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025

Principal HSE Engineer

McDermott International, Ltd
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Full time

Published on 02/02/2025

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