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- Develop and implement qualitycontrol plans and procedures for constructionprojects.
- Conduct regular inspections to verifycompliance with project specifications, codes, andstandards.
- Review and approve quality-relateddocumentation, such as material submittals and testingreports.
- Monitor and assess constructionactivities to ensure they align with approved plans andspecifications.
- Identify and documentnon-compliance issues, and work with project teams to developcorrective action plans.
- Conduct audits ofsubcontractors and suppliers to ensure they meet qualityrequirements.
- Maintain accurate records ofinspections, tests, and quality-relateddocumentation.
- Generate reports detailing QA/QCfindings, trends, and recommendations forimprovement.
- Provide timely updates to projectstakeholders on quality performance.
- Provideguidance and training to project teams on QA/QC processes andrequirements.
- Conduct workshops or seminars topromote a culture of quality within theorganization.
- Stay up-to-date with relevantindustry standards, codes, andregulations.
- Ensure that constructionactivities align with local, state, and federalrequirements.
- Collaborate closely with projectmanagers, engineers, architects, and subcontractors to addressquality-related issues.