AtkinsRalis are looking for a SeniorHSE Engineer in Abu Dhabi UAE.The HSE role will cover projects suchas infrastructure and mixed use buildings from enabling works tocompletion. This will include sports related hospitality and someresidential.
Createdby the integration of longstanding organizations dating back to1911 AtkinsRalis is a worldleading professional services andproject management company dedicated to engineering a better futurefor our planet and its people. We create sustainable solutions thatconnect people data and technology to transform the worldsinfrastructure and energy systems. We deploy global capabilitieslocally to our clients and deliver unique endtoend services acrossthe whole life cycle of an asset including consulting advisory& environmental services intelligent networks &cybersecurity design & engineering procurement project& construction management operations & maintenancedecommissioning and capital. The breadth and depth of ourcapabilities are delivered to clients in key strategic sectors suchas Engineering Services Nuclear Operations & Maintenanceand Capital. News and information are available at orfollow us onLinkedIn.
Adhereto and implement AtkinsRalis internal HSE management systemrequirements and procedures for AtkinsRalis PMCteam.
Adhere to project HSErequirements and implement this to AtkinsRalisteam.
Monitor the complianceof all WSA staff with the applicable safety standards and companysprocedures and bring to the attention of the Project Manager anysafety violations by WSA site team for their furtheraction.
Monitor assess andreport on Contractor and Sub Contractors HSE compliance with theproject HSE requirements as per the Contract and HSE legislation /best practice
Immediatelybring to the attention of the AtkinsRalis PM the critical andoutstanding safety issues for their furtheractions.
Conduct andcoordinate regular safety training for WSAstaff.
Carry out daily siteHSE tours with Contractor HSE staff and highlightfindings.
Issue SafetyEnforcement Notices (SEN) as per applicable AtkinsRalis SENprocedure.
Follow up withthe Contractor on outstanding HSE issues including SENs andensuring prompt closure with adequate evidence ofcompliance.
Review andcomment of the Contractors HSE Plans. Advise the Contractor toupdate the site safety plan whennecessary.
Review andcomment on Contractors risk assessments and work methodstatements.
Develop andupdate AtkinsRalis HSE documents (the Safety File) e.g. HSE PlanHSE specific site risk assessment office risk assessment officefire risk assessmentetc.
Conduct accident andincident investigations for AtkinsRalisstaff.
Compile accidentreport and incidentstatistics.
Chair weeklysafety meetings where required with the Contractor and otherparties as necessary. Issue MOM on time (within 48 hours). Reportany outstanding and critical safety issues or lack of action by theContractor in the weekly progressmeetings.
Prepare andmaintain AtkinsRalis HSE registers e.g. training induction SENinspection reports accident/Incident and others asrequired.
Report anyaccident on site immediately to AtkinsRalis UAE Health and SafetyManager and LineManager.
Communicatecoordinate and seek any advice from AtkinsRalis UAE Health andSafety Manager asrequired.
On major issuesprior to issuing Safety Enforcement Notices Prohibition Notice seekadvice from AtkinsRalis UAE Health and SafetyManager.
Monitor theContractors compliance with UAE Health Safety Security andEnvironmental (HSSE) legislation and Contractors HSE Plan andreport and follow up anybreaches.
Liaise with theEmployer Contractors and the Site Supervision Team and reportstatus of safetyissues.
Liaise withcontractors Project Managers Construction Managers and SafetyManagers to improve safetyprovisions.
Prepare regularweekly monthly and other reports as required on safety matters forissue to the Employer and ProjectManager.
Ensure thatrelevant safety measures have been put in place for AtkinsRalisEngineers & Inspectors and provide training as and whenrequire.
Coordinatesafetyrelated activities for AtkinsRalis team and mentorregularly.
Carry outinductions for AtkinsRalis sitestaff.
General HSSE adviceasrequired
InformAtkinsRalis PM/RE with concerns on HSE on site that are not incompliance with the contractdocuments
Assist/support thesite team and the respective PM/RE with the implementation ofhealth and safety managementsystems.
Assist in the siteteam in the external and internal audits to ensure the effectiveimplementation of health safety and environmental managementsystems and work with the site team for resolution ofnonconformanceissues.
Liaise with theproject supervision team coordinate and resolve any HSE issues ofconcern.
Analyse current HSEtrends occurring on site and provide recommendations for continuousimprovement
Implementationof all health safety and environmental audits surveillance auditsand work with site team for resolution of nonconformanceissues.
Assist the site teamby closing out any adverse HSE issue they haveraised.
Assist the PM/RE toprepare weekly Progress meeting HSE comments ordocumentation.
Preparemonthly HSE reports forPM/RE.
Chair and coordinateweekly HSE meetings.
MentorHSE Officer and other staff to ensure HSE knowledge is increasedbut monitor progress and assist indevelopment
Inform HSEManager regularly on all aspects of HSE occurring on theproject
Providenecessary HSE reports / recommendation as required by the Clientfor any project specificissues.
Attend meetings withClient (as required and requested by AtkinsRalisPM/RE).
Dailyinspect site with HSE team to identify hazards but ensure any highrisks are immediately controlled prior to leavingarea
Report on inspectionfindings via formal correspondenceregularly
Chair regularsafety meetings where required and write up minutes fordistribution
Identifyand raise any adverse HSE issue identified that may jeopardise thesafety of all concerned due to poor design. This is to be raisedvia PM/RE or HSEManager
Assumeresponsibility of health safety and environmental works in theproject
Monitor performanceof the Contractor / Subcontractor and identify raise any healthsafety or environmental concerns with the PM/RE or HSEManager.
Review healthsafety and environmental procedures and effectively implement HSEplans across theproject.
Identify anyparticular site safety issues and bring to the notice of thecontractor / HSE / PM /RE.
Updateand maintain AtkinsRalis HSE projectdocuments
Assist the projectsite team during internal external and site surveillanceaudits.
Coordinate leaverequest and discuss leave cover with theSHOA.
Prepare and regularlysubmit HSEreports.
MinimumHSE qualifications with NEBOSHDiploma/IGC.
Bachelorsdegree in relevantdiscipline.
Lead auditorcourse ( ISO45001 andISO14001).
Professionalmembership from IIRSM/IOSH ispreferred.
Rewards& Benefits
We offer anexcellent package whichincludes:
A competitivesalary
22 working daysannualleave
Medical andlife insurancecover;
Company gratuityscheme;
Discretionary bonusscheme;
Annual flightallowance to point oforigin
AtkinsRalisis committed to eliminating discrimination and encouragingdiversity amongst our workforce. We aim to provide quality andfairness for all job applicants and employees and not todiscriminate on grounds of gender marital status age race ethnicorigin religious conviction or disablement. We oppose all forms ofunlawful treatment and discrimination. Our aim is for the companyto be representative of all sections of society and that eachemployee feels respected and able to give their best. We arecommitted to a policy of treating all our employees and jobapplications equally.
Wepursue this commitment by:
Having clear andconcise procedures and guidelines for both line managers andemployees to ensure policies are fully understood andimplemented.
Complying with the relevantemployment legislation and codes of practice.
Ensuring that all existing employees potential employees colleaguesand customers are treated equally and withrespect.
Ensuring that the workplace is anenvironment free from discrimination harassment victimization andbullying regardless of an individuals gender marital status agerace ethnic origin religious conviction ordisablement.
Making all decisions relating torecruitment selection or promotion according to the employeesability.
RemoteWork :
EmploymentType :
Key Skills
Vacancy: 1