Senior Manager - Chief Engineer Support TPEM
Position Summary with Job ResponsibilitiesJob DescriptionPosition Name Chief Engineer Position level Level 3DEM position name Head VIG DEM position level Level 2FEM position name NA FEM position level NAPurpose of the position the positions exists? will happen if there is no one in the position (no one performs the work)?This role is responsible for overall delivery of engineering development of specific Program/Product on a specific platform within the EV business unit from nomination (Between KO & DR0) to serial production and its sustenance (VAVE, Quality & Interventions).Dimensions of the positionFinancial : Annual D&D budget to the tune of 50 to150 Cr Non-Financial: Approx. 3 - 6 employees (TML employees) Once a weekOnce a monthProject Leaders from CoCs, VEMs, PAT leaders from VATS & VE, Powertrain Internal •Project technical reviews DWM•VAVE DWM Daily PC/PRC Committee Internal •Status updates, Gateway clearances, Issue escalations. Per PC/PRC Schedule Head CoC’s & Principal Engineers Internal •Aggregate escalation reviews•Coordination for critical issue resolution Once a week/As requiredVE Head, Head VATS Internal •Coordination for escalation of attribute issues & resolution As requiredQuality, FMQ Internal •Quality reviews for projects, Field issues resolutions. Weekly onceOperations Internal •Project Review and DWM with Mfg & TS As requiredSuppliers External •Review of critical issues As and when required Personal ProfileEducation Graduation in Engineering Skills/Competencies 1.Vehicle knowledge Product development3.Driving execution4.Customer centricity5.Project managementRelevant Experience : 10+ years in product development with delivery of at least 1 major program as CE/VIM/Principal Engineer/ Project Leader EducationWork ExperienceKey Responsibilities: Responsibility & Key Tasks Measures1 Product development & Project Management -•Ensure the overall Cost, quality, timeline for engineering deliverables of the projects with respect to GEN 3 process•Analyse product requirements and conduct reviews to result into balanced engineering attributes to achieve targeted market position•Ensure the global optimisation of physical packaging across zones & aggregates to meet QCT targets•Develop the timeline of the vehicle along with product line to meet business goals •Optimise the PMXU with Engineering, Product Line & Marketing in order to meet the business targets •Control the technical delivery of the project by Coordinating with various functions (within and outside ERC) by Conducting PTR (Product technical reviews).•Review and resolve critical technical issues related to product performance ,cost and quality•Ensure timely delivery of all project milestones by collaborating with all stake holders eg.- Mfg , QA, AQ/P&SC etc •Review & provide inputs to ensure adherence to processes with gap anaylsis for improvements (Gen3, PAT,MINT ECN,FDJ,ESO) •Assess the technical risks involved in the project and take mitigation actions accordingly •Drive resolution of critical technical issues affecting all milestones & field performance.•Escalate the critical issues at all milestones to Senior Leadership for resolution/signoff. No of PVRs raised/ECNs raised IPTV (3monthly,12 monthly)PDSR scores% commonalty achieved in terms of PMXU2Product Quality -•Support PV and EV teams in addressing quality issues to ensure target compliance.•Drive product quality & customer satisfaction by ensuring IPTV (Incidences per thousand vehicles) / EPV (Expenses per vehicle) targets are met for the project. IPTV/EPV3Budgetary Control -•Ensure project budget requirements for D&D are estimated based on requirements of TKW, proto plan, manpower requirement, FSS etcAlong with Balancing business case & coherence with scope of the project including PMXU and feature list.•Monitor and control the overall project level budgets (D&D)•Drive the process of project budget estimation with COCs and challenge the results to achieve the targets. Optimisation of the project scope feature list/ PMXU with marketing & Product Line to ensure project profitability•Incase of project scope change, drive the PVR documentation & discuss with Product Line for approval in PC/PRCCapex (budget vs actual)D&D Cost(Budget vs Actual)4Product Sustenance -•Improve profitability of the BU by driving VAVE within PV Engg.VAVE (Budget vs Actual Tata Motors Leadership CompetenciesCustomer Centricity - Anticipating, understanding and focusing efforts on meeting the customer (stakeholders) needs or expectationsDeveloping Self and Others - Recognizing continuous development is essential for success and taking steps to develop self and helping others to excelDriving Execution - Translating strategy into action and executionLeading by Example - Encouraging and following ethical standardsLeading Change - Recognizing the need for change, initiating and adapting to changeMotivating Self and Others - Inspiring teams and individualsFunctional CompetenciesTags