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Senior Piping Engineer

Roles and responsibilities

  • Ability to comprehend andinterpret technical information applicable to their discipline ofengineering
  • Demonstrates the application oftheory in a practical context
  • Graduate level ofcompetence in the application of standards, processes andprocedures and how they are used in workexecution
  • Graduate level of knowledge ofregulatory framework and associatedlegislation.
  • Graduate level of competence inown discipline in the execution of assignedtasks.
  • Graduate level of knowledge of industryand technology development within disciplinearea
  • Ability to comprehend, interpret andprepare applicable technical information and suggest design changesto ensure functional and cost effectiveresults
  • Demonstrates awareness of policies andprocedures that affect specific jobassignments
  • Ability to prepare accurate,effective, complete and easily understood written communicationsand reports
  • Good level of general computerliteracy and basic familiarity with some relevant specialistengineering software


  • Fresh graduate with a MechanicalEngineering degree
  • Excellent command of theEnglish language (both written and verbal)
  • Welladept in utilizing MS Office
  • Goodcommunication, reporting and presentationskills
  • ProjectPlanning: Managing piping design projects fromconcept to completion, including preparing schedules, budgets, andresourceplans.
  • Collaboration:Coordinating with other engineers (structural, mechanical,electrical) to ensure that the piping design integrates properlywith the overall system and facilitydesign.
  • Documentation:Keeping accurate records of design changes, project specifications,and compliance withstandards.
  • RiskManagement &Safety:

  • Understandingthe risks involved in designing piping systems, particularly inhigh-pressure, high-temperature, or hazardousenvironments.
  • Ensuring that the designincorporates safety features like pressure relief valves, expansionjoints, and shutdown systems to preventaccidents.
  • CommunicationSkills:

  • TeamCollaboration: Working closely with otherdepartments, clients, and contractors to ensure clear communicationand smooth projectexecution.
  • Documentation& Reporting: Preparing and presentingreports, specifications, and other documents to stakeholders,regulators, or clients.

Desired candidate profile

1. Piping Design &Layout:

  • DesigningPiping Systems: Experience in designing and layingout piping systems for a variety of applications (e.g., processpiping, HVAC, water supply, wastewater systems). This includesselecting appropriate materials, specifying dimensions, anddetermining pipe routing.
  • 3DModeling & CAD Software: Proficiency withdesign and modeling software such as AutoCAD, AutoCAD Plant 3D, andPDMS (Plant Design Management System) to create detailed pipinglayouts and 3D models.
  • IsometricDrawings: Creating isometric drawings for pipingsystems, detailing pipe sizes, material specifications, androuting.

2. Pipe StressAnalysis:

  • Stress& Strain Calculations: Ability to conductstress analysis to ensure the piping system can withstandoperational pressures, temperatures, and mechanical stresses.Familiarity with software such as CAESAR II or AutoPIPE forperforming stressanalysis.
  • Thermal Expansion& Flexibility: Knowledge of how temperaturechanges and thermal expansion affect pipe design and selection ofsupports, hangers, and insulation.

3.Material Selection &Specification:

  • ChoosingMaterials: Expertise in selecting appropriatematerials (e.g., carbon steel, stainless steel, alloys, plastics)based on factors like pressure, temperature, corrosion resistance,and cost.
  • Material Standards& Codes: Familiarity with industry standardsand codes (e.g., ASME B31.3, ASME B31.1, API 650, ASTM, ASME, andANSI) to specify the correct materials and ensure compliance withsafety and performance standards.

4.Piping Supports, Hangers &Bracing:

  • Knowledge ofthe design and selection of piping supports, hangers, brackets, andbraces to ensure the integrity of the piping system under differentload conditions.
  • Ability to calculate anddesign the proper spacing and configuration of supports to preventsagging, vibrations, or mechanicalfailure.

5. PipingStress & FlexibilityAnalysis:

  • Assessing theflexibility of piping systems and understanding how they willbehave under pressure, temperature, and externalloads.
  • Determining the need for expansionjoints, flexible hoses, and other components to absorb thermalexpansion and movement.

6.Code Compliance &Standards:

  • Deepunderstanding of piping design codes and standards, including ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) codes, ASTM (AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials), and API (American PetroleumInstitute) standards.
  • Ensuring that the designand construction of piping systems adhere to local, national, andinternational safety and regulatoryrequirements.

7. FluidFlow Analysis & Pressure DropCalculations:

  • Performingcalculations to determine fluid flow rates, pressure drops, andfluid velocities within pipingsystems.
  • Understanding how to size pipes toensure efficient flow, minimize pressure losses, and prevent issueslike cavitation or erosion.

Key Skills
Piping Design,PipingEngineering,Piping
Employment Type :Full-time
Department / Functional Area: Engineering
Experience: Not Mentioned years
Gender: Male
Vacancy: 1
Joining Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025

Senior Piping Engineer

Pittsburgh, PA
Full time

Published on 02/02/2025

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