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SMC Materials Development Consultant

Job DescriptionJob Description

Job Description:

Location: Remote/ Warren, MI

This job provides all the technologies (prescription, process, etc.) necessary for developing SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) materials, and you would be participating in the development process to complete the development of materials that meet the required performance the company targets. 

The development that our company wants is a few specific SMC materials. The direct development process, such as manufacturing and evaluating sample materials, will be conducted in Korea (Sejong City). Therefore, the way you would participate in the development process would be done in a variety of ways.

Basically, communication with the head office in Korea via online must be maintained during the development period. In addition, visit Korea on a regular basis and establish interim inspections, evaluations, and improvement plans for development with Korean development engineers. Of course, Korean engineers will also visit our subsidiaries or specific places in the United States to discuss with you as well.

In other words, we want your experience and technology to play a leading role in the success of our target material development. Our development engineers will focus on carrying out development activities based on the experience and skills you provide. We will invest in development facilities or processes by actively reflecting your opinions, if necessary, based on your opinion.


Job Duties & Responsibilities:

Development of SMC (sheet molding compound) materials

Development method:

  • We will first receive information from you, such as prescription (recipe) technology, process technology, and development experience necessary for developing the material.
  • We will make material samples based on the technical information provided by you, conduct various tests, and evaluate whether or not it meets our goals. Of course, material samples will be made by our own engineers. We also plan to share detailed information about the process of making material samples with you.
  • We will share the test results with you, discuss the results together, analyze the causes and factors of the results, and establish improvement measures together. We plan to repeat the cause analysis and improvement test, but achieve the final goal as soon as possible.

Working conditions:

  • There should be continuous communication with the Korean head office online.
  • Regular face-to-face meetings should be conducted. Meetings can be held in both Korea and the United States, but a visit to the Korean business site (Sejong City) at least three times a year is a prerequisite. If there is a special request from us, you must visit Korea within one month. We will bear the cost of visiting Korea.
  • For the first time only, in-depth training on SMC materials will be conducted for Korean engineers. (Training location and time are discussed separately)
  • There are no special constraints other than the above, and matters that require decisions must be decided through mutual consultation.


Preferred Qualifications:

  • SMC material R&D work experience
  • Molding process experience using SMC
  • Experience in developing or producing various thermosetting plastic composite materials


SMC Materials Development Consultant

NAHR Consulting
Warren, MI
Full time

Published on 01/28/2024

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