Our mission is to deliver the best customer and representative experience in the solar industry. We provide more quality options with premium operators for the best overall experience. Solar Energy Partners (SEP) is one of the leading providers of residential solar energy services nationwide. We have locations throughout the U.S. and are expanding. We are looking for talented and motivated salespeople to join our local team.
$5,000 New Sales Rep Training Bonus
No income cap on sales
Make $2K-$10K+ per deal
Top producers last year earned over $300K
Sell all the top brands of solar, providing for a better customer experience and more sales
High-quality sales training, online training, and mentoring
Our representatives are taught how to generate leads through multiple methods including, but not limited to: direct sales, door-to-door, referrals, online selling, community events, social media, and fairs/home shows
Advancement opportunities are currently available and are based on performance
Company incentives, including company trips, conferences, contests, and bonuses
Position Details:
Generate interest from customers following our programs
Help residential customers save money on utility costs by presenting the benefits of our solar services as well as the broader benefits of using alternative energy
Our representatives are not responsible for running permits or executing any part of the installation
Work in territory close to home or choose to travel outside of your current location
Application Process:
Send your resume for consideration today
Our team will review your resume within 24-48 hours
If selected, we will reach out by text message and email to schedule an interview
100% Commission, 1099 Independence
Company Description:
HCR / SEP is a premier residential solar broker. We are partnered with highly rated companies in the solar industry. The solar consultants that work with SEP enjoy top-tier onboarding, ongoing support, and sales systems engineered to help you produce results. More options for our customers mean more deals for our reps and better deals for the customer.