Village Public Safety Officer
Job DescriptionJob Description
Job Title: Village Public Safety Officer
Supervisor: VPSO Coordinator
Classification: Classified
FT/PT Status: Full Time
FLSA Status: Non-Exempt
Benefits: Medical, Dental, PERS, and Life Insurance
DESCRIPTION: VPSOs carry out public safety/first responder duties in the rural communities within the Northwest Arctic Borough. VPSOs perform the following first responder functions: enforce laws, conduct investigations, provide emergency medical response, provide fire protection services, organize and conduct search and rescue operations, monitor public safety, provide emergency response and address community preparedness, provide public safety education and community policing. VPSO duties will vary from village to village. Service coordination is provided with the cooperation of the local city or tribal governments.
Essential Functions: This list is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by VPSOs.
Representative Duties: Under the general supervision of the VPSO Coordinator, VPSOs will perform the following public safety services:
- Enforce the criminal laws of the state or a municipality.
- Conduct investigations, secure crime scenes, serve summons,
guard and transport prisoners, and respond to crimes in progress. The use of force may be required including the need for deadly force.
- Exercise powers usually and customarily exercised by a peace officer.
- Perform law enforcement duties as requested by Alaska State Troopers.
- Provide emergency medical services and assistance to the community health aides as requested.
- Provide local fire prevention, suppression, and education services in coordination with the NAB Fire Department. Duties may include assisting the community with fire training and equipment maintenance.
- Participate in and coordination of search and rescue efforts for missing or injured persons.
- Maintain the safety of the public and community by patrolling roadways, schools, trails, waterways, community/private property, and public facilities.
- Make public appearances at community events, attend city and tribal council meetings.
- Respond to emergencies as required and take any necessary action to correct a public safety hazard.
- Assist the community in providing animal control.
- Complete NAB and Department of Public Safety reports in a timely manner.
- Provide probation and parole supervision, including urine testing, searches, and contact with individuals under supervision of probation and parole violations.
- Provide local training programs on public safety, including but not limited to DARE, water safety, fire safety, firearms safety, hunter's education, personal safety, and ATV safety.
- Assist local communities with emergency response planning, preparedness, and response.
- Perform other job-related duties as assigned.
- Must be a of the United States or a alien who has demonstrated intent to become a of the United States.
- Must be twenty-one years of or older.
- Must have a good moral character.
- High School Diploma, or its equivalent, or General educational development (GED).
- Within six months of hire or prior to academy, whichever comes first, be certified by a physician licensed in Alaska on a medical record form supplied by the Department, to:
- Be free from any physical or hearing condition which would adversely affect performance of an essential function of a VPSO;
- Have normal discrimination, normal binocular coordination, normal peripheral vision and corrected visual acuity of 20/30 or better in each eye;
- Be free from mental or emotional condition that would adversely affect the performance of an essential function of a village public safety officer.
- Has not been convicted, by a civilian court of this state, the United States, or another state or territory, or by a military court, of one or more of the following offenses, or of an offense with substantially similar elements to such an offense under Alaska law:
- a felony;
- any misdemeanor within five (5) years of the date of hire;
- a misdemeanor within 10 years of the date of hire, if the misdemeanor involved:
- an assault against a family member, former family member, member of the individuals' household, or former member of the household;
- the violation of a domestic violence restraining order.
- two or more DUI offenses.
- Has not ever:
- illegally manufactured, transported, or delivered:
- a controlled substance;
- an alcohol beverage in violation of a local option under AS 04.11 or a municipal ordinance.
- illegally used a controlled substance other than marijuana during the 10 years immediately before the date of hire, unless you were under the of 21 at the time of using the controlled substance;
- Used marijuana within one year before the date of hire.
- illegally manufactured, transported, or delivered:
- Has not been denied VPSO certification or had that certification revoked.
- Has not been discharged for cause or resigned under threat of discharge for cause from employment as a VPSO, a village police officer, or a police officer in this state or any other state.
- Has not been discharged from the United States military service with other than honorable classification.
- Must be able to attend and successfully complete:
- Law enforcement training at the Public Safety Training Academy in Sitka, Alaska;
- Rural fire protection specialist certification;
- Emergency Trauma Technician certification.
- Must pass FBI Criminal records check performed by the Alaska State Troopers.
- Must pass a complete background investigation that meets the standards in AS 18.65.672.
- Will be required to submit to a psychological exam.
- Applicants must be Free of Brady/Giglio disclosures.
- Applicants requiring academy attendance, must meet the pre-academy physical fitness standard prior to hire:
- Required minimum physical fitness test scores of 14 Push-ups (untimed), 17 Sit-ups within 1 minute and a 1.5 mile run in 17:00 minutes or less;
- Test must be administered by a NAB-approved proctor.
Physical demands: A VPSO must be able to work long hours, travel, and live in remote areas. A VPSO will be exposed to certain conditions including but not limited to travel by small aircraft, vehicle, boat, and snow machine, lack of running water, sleeping on floors, and exposure to adverse weather conditions. Excellent health and physical condition are necessary due to the physical demands of the job. Patrolling may be done on foot. VPSOs may escort prisoners, escort individuals to treatment facilities, be exposed to blood borne pathogens and bodily fluids, or subdue resisting subjects. Use of force may be required up to and including the use of deadly force.
Supervision: This position has no supervisory responsibilities.
Summation: A VPSO must be able to pass a background investigation, achieve VPSO certification within 2 years of hire, be able to attend regional or other trainings as assigned, and pass a 90-day probationary period.
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