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Working student position in the field of high-voltage vehicle electrical systems from August 2024

Tätigkeitsbereich:Forschung & Entwicklung incl. DesignFachabteilung:HV BordnetzGesellschaft:Mercedes-Benz AGStandort:Mercedes-Benz Werk Sindelfingen, SindelfingenStartdatum:..4Veröffentlichungsdatum:..4Stellennummer:MERXMArbeitszeit:Teilzeit Join usAufgabenDoes your heart beat for cars? Are you interested in technology and electrical engineering?Then you've come to the right place! In the development of alternative drives, the high-voltage on-board electrical system is the central link between the individual high-voltage components (such as HV battery, power electronics, etc.) and external infrastructure (such as DC charging systems). In order to predict the behavior of this complex network, research is carried out on the basis of numerous test vehicles, test benches and simulations. In addition, various investigations are carried out on new product projects during the development process. The following exciting tasks await you: Carrying out various tests on HV test vehicles and test benchesProgramming/parameterization of HV measurement technology with the CANAPE/ DEWESOFT softwareEvaluation and processing of measurement data with the DIADEM softwareSetting up specific HV break-out boxes and equivalent loads with complex impedanceControl of HV components with the aid of various SW, such as CANoe Measurement of low-voltage and high-voltage components with specific measurement technologyCreation of simulation models with the PLECS/Matlab software on the basis of acquired measurement dataQualifikationenDegree in electrical engineering or equivalentConfident written and spoken German and English skillsConfident handling of MS OfficeCommitment and ability to work in a teamFlexibilityAnalytical mindset and strategic way of working Working hours: In accordance with the laws for working students, max. hours/week during the lecture period and max. hours/week during the lecture-free period. Additional information: Further information on the recruitment criteria can be found".If you are a national of a country outside the European Economic Area, please send us your residence/work permit. Please understand that we no longer accept paper applications and that there is no entitlement to return postage.BenefitsEssens­zulagenMit­arbeiter­handy möglichMit­arbeiter­rabatte möglichMit­arbeiter­beteili­gung möglichMit­arbeiter EventsCoachingFlexible Arbeits­zeit möglichHybrides Arbeiten möglichGesund­heits­maß­nahmenBetrieb­liche Alters­ver­sorgungMobilitäts­angeboteBetriebs­arztKantine, CaféBarriere­frei­heitGute An­bindungPark­platzKinder­betreuung Wir benötigen Ihre Zustimmung, um den Youtube-Service zu laden!Wir verwenden einen Service eines Drittanbieters, um Videoinhalte einzubetten. Dieser Service kann Daten zu Ihren Aktivitäten sammeln. Bitte lesen Sie die Details durch und stimmen Sie der Nutzung des Service zu, um dieses Video anzusehen.Dieser Inhalt darf aufgrund von Trackern, die Besuchern nicht offengelegt werden, nicht geladen werden. Der Besitzer der Website muss diese mit seinem CMP einrichten, um diesen Inhalt zur Liste der verwendeten Technologien hinzuzufügen.Powered by

Working student position in the field of high-voltage vehicle electrical systems from August 2024

Full time

Published on 07/01/2024

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